Monday, 8 November 2010

Voicethreads- Community Trip

Voicethreads are a collaborative, multimedia slide show that hold images, documents, and videos. We made our first voicethread in class last week. I uploaded a few pictures from our Community field trip and each student had to comment on two pictures. They each took turns coming to my computer and recording their comments. I have attached the voicethread below. Simply click the play button below and listen to the students voices. The slide show will automatically turn the pages for you. If you want to skip ahead to your child, click the arrow button on each slide and look for your childs picture. Then click on the picture to listen to their comment.

We hope you enjoy our voicethread and learn a little bit about our field trip to the Wilanow Community. Make sure your speakers are turned on!


  1. This interactive feature is simply amazing. It allows us parents to relive the experience with our children at home. Many thanks Mrs Johnson.
    Roman, Sara’s father.

  2. Great idea - love it....please continue the great work of letting us be a part of our kids life at school!
