On Monday and Wednesday we gather together for Reading Workshop. During this time there is a mini-lesson, student independent reading time, partner reading time and a teacher share time.
*During the mini-lesson, I clearly state the teaching point for the day and then demonstrate exactly what I want students to learn as readers. An example of a teaching point: "Readers learn to attend to print by moving their finger under the words as they read." I then model this teaching point and ask the kids to practice, too.
*Then the students are sent off to their reading spots to read independently for 5-10 minutes. During this time the students read a variety of books from a bin of books at their reading level. They get to choose what books to read or re-read. While the students are reading independently the teachers are moving around the room conferring with students and working on specific reading skills.
*Pictures of Independent Reading time:

*When independent reading time is over the students begin partner reading. They simply turn their chairs around and take turns reading a book to their partner. They read to each other and discuss their favorite part of the book. The students use partner time to support each other with decoding, comprehension, fluency, and stamina.
*Pictures of Partner Reading:

*After partner reading time the students choose a book to take home and then report back to the carpet for teacher share time. At the end of the workshop I bring closure to the day's work. During this time I share the different ways in which students have incorporated that day's minilesson. I also share new insights and discoveries.
Reading Workshop is just one piece of our balanced literacy program. In future blog posts I will explain how guided reading, word study, and shared reading are integrated into our reading program.
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