Friday, 11 February 2011

Student of the Week- Jan


:  Poland
Languages I speak: English, Polish
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite color: Blue and Green
Favorite travel spot: Mexico
Favorite subject in school: P.E and recess
Interesting facts: I like to travel to many places.  I like to play with my dad and mom.  We like to play many games.

Snowmen At Night

We have been enjoying Winter in 1J.  We read a great book called Snowmen At Night by Caralyn and Mark Buehner. It was a silly book about what snowmen do at night when we are sleeping.  We loved the book so much we decided to write our own pages.  We are also working on our typing skills so we wrote our ideas in writing class and then went up to the computer lab and typed our stories.  We also illustrated a picture in Pixie.  We made our stories into a class movie.  We hope you enjoy our 'Snowmen At Night' stories. 

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

100th Day of School

Happy 100th Day of School!

Wow, what a day.  We worked with the number 100 dall day long.  We did projects in whole groups, small group projects and individually.  A big thanks to the mom's who came in to help. Here are some of the activities we did today:

* 100 day glasses
* 100 dot-to-dot
*100's chart puzzle
*Estimate 100 pieces of cereal
*100 Seconds- How many times can you write your name?  Say the ABC's?  Stand on 1 foot?  Close your eyes?
*100 steps
*Shapes on the computer
*100 piece puzzles
*100 actions
*Name patterns on a 100's chart
*100's Day Snack

And here is a video from pictures taken today.  Enjoy!

Friday, 4 February 2011

More Matter Movies

We finished the last 4 Matter movies.  We hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Student of the Week- Nienke


:  Holand
Languages I speak: Dutch, English, German
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite color: Brown
Favorite travel spot: Austria
Favorite subject in school: Math
Interesting facts: I am a twin.  I like to play on my Nintendo and ride horses.  I like dogs. 

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Solids and Their Properties

We have started a new unit in science.  We are currently studying Matter (solids, liquids and gases).  The kids are having a blast!  We are conducting experiments in class, recording in our science journals, working on a Matter book in the computer lab, and going on all sorts of matter hunts throughout the school. We are discovering that Matter is EVERYWHERE!

Last week we focused on solids and their properties.  We have explored what makes a solid a solid and have learned new vocabulary words like flexible, rough, and smooth.  After studying in the classroom, the students were given a fun assignment--they had to find solids and their specific properties around the school.  The students were broken into small groups, given clipboards, a camera, and a list of properties.  The students did a great job showing their understanding of solids and properties and we have made a fun slideshow on Pixie to share with you.  The students took the pictures, typed out the sentences and recorded their voices.  We hope you enjoy the slideshows and learn something new about solids.  

**Unfortunately many students were out sick.  Therefore, not everyone was able to participate in this project.

Some groups in action on the Solid Matter Hunt.

The first finished slideshow...(the others are finishing up and will be posted on the blog soon.)

1. Keahi, Kswaery, Jan