Monday, 29 November 2010

Adopt a Family

Dear 1J Families-

We have decided to help families in need this holiday season. ASW is supporting the Warsaw Volunteer Mission ( who helps families in need. We have been asked to provide Christmas gifts for the children. If you are interested in buying a gift for a child please contact Ms. Johnson and I will send home the name and age of a child from the family. We are really counting on everyone in 1J to help out! All gifts need to be in and wrapped by December 8th.

On top of providing Christmas gifts for these children, the entire 1st Grade has adopted a family in need. We are adopting the Chmielewska family--a single mother with 6 children ages 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, and an adult child.

The family needs:

Money for coal
Cleaning supplies
Hygiene supplies (toothpaste, etc.)

There will be a collection box outside of our classroom. Please help and donate anything you can. Clothes can be used, but should be clean and in good shape. Gloves, hats, and scarves would be appreciated in this cold weather.

We thank you in advance for helping with this important service project. This is a great project to help our students get involved in helping others. We will talk about this project with the students at school, but please also take the time to talk about why and what you are bringing in to support this family.

The deadline is December 8th. We know this is very soon and appreciate your quick response.

We appreciate your support and generosity,

Ms. Johnson
Ms. Lucy

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Student of the Week- Maks

Maks Walter

: Poland
Languages I speak: English, Polish (can count in German and Spanish)
Favorite food: Corn
Favorite color: Light Blue
Favorite travel spot: Spain
Favorite subject in school: Swimming
Interesting facts: I like to go fishing, I have 1 older sister, I like to play soccer with my friends, and I like to watch the 1st Harry Potter movie.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Student of the Week- - Noa

Noa Klompe

Country: Netherlands/Poland
Languages I speak: Dutch, English, Polish
Favorite food: Cereal
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite travel spot: Grand Canyon, USA
Favorite subject in school: PE when it's outside
Interesting facts: I like to jump around, I like to run by my garden, I have 2 sisters and 1 brother and I like to learn!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Voicethreads- Community Trip

Voicethreads are a collaborative, multimedia slide show that hold images, documents, and videos. We made our first voicethread in class last week. I uploaded a few pictures from our Community field trip and each student had to comment on two pictures. They each took turns coming to my computer and recording their comments. I have attached the voicethread below. Simply click the play button below and listen to the students voices. The slide show will automatically turn the pages for you. If you want to skip ahead to your child, click the arrow button on each slide and look for your childs picture. Then click on the picture to listen to their comment.

We hope you enjoy our voicethread and learn a little bit about our field trip to the Wilanow Community. Make sure your speakers are turned on!

Friday, 5 November 2010

New Student & PebbleGo

We would like to welcome Lars Specians and his family to ASW. Lars joined us from Washington D.C. on Tuesday. He is a great addition to our 1J community!

In library today we learned that PebbleGo has added some new Nonfiction books. PebbleGo is a great website for emmergent readers. The kids use it a lot at school during class and choice time. They still have the PebbleGo Animal section and now they have added a PebbleGo Earth and Space section. Check it out at home. Ask Ms. Johnson or refer to your ASW Library Databases sheet (found in the library)--if you forget the username and password.

There is also a link to PebbleGo under the 'Good Websites' section of the blog.